I don’t have the patients to collect my thoughts today..

Posted in Dave News on May 19, 2009 by losercore

IBlank.t’s been awhile since I had anything important to say. Today is going to be no different….

Since school has let out I’ve been trying to occupy my life with constructive activities. By constructive activities I mean skateboarding and filming short videos with my friends. Fun times along with plans that never get fulfilled.

Despite school and filming, we are having allergies from hell. It is over 90 degrees here with alot of  fluctuating rain; I hoped the heat and rain would have burned off all the pollen at this point but that would would have been too convenient.

next thought

A week ago Tyler, Jasen, Shawn, and another Tyler went to Huntsvilles first annual Brew Fest. At first I was a little dissapointed because they provide you with a shotglass and let you have at 100+ types of beer. A shotglass? Well, now i understand why they give you a shotglass. It’s because you want to try EVERY SINGLE BEER and you actually have the time to do it. Jasen had me try the Bud Light Clamato which is basically clam beer and it was by far the worst beer that i’ve ever consumed. I ended up spitting it out in front of the Budweiser stand. Drinking in the evening with a couple hundred drunk people in 89 degree weather = great time.

Imagination Blind but changing.

Posted in Poetry on May 8, 2009 by losercore

And I can feel it like a breath on skin,
every season gets a ritual in.
Without a reason to fight I fall,
Half of loves more than nothing at all.

I don’t need it but i’m here at the door,
Let me in, i’ve been a villian before.
I’ve curled my fingers throwing my fist to the wind,
It’s sad to think i’d do it over again.

We want to leave behind, what can’t be helped
We wanna hold the key and keep it to ourselves
The ones we leave behind
The ones we need
Imagination blind but changing.

Without resistance i’d have no friends
Without your love i don’t know where to begin
But I can wait, you take forever to thaw
Your icy grip won’t be a death after all.

We want to leave behind, what can’t be helped
We want to hold the key and keep it to ourselves
The ones we leave behind, the ones we need
Imagination blind but changing….

buzz-cut are better than butt-cuts

Posted in Dave News on April 25, 2009 by losercore

energy=mass *speed of lightDid you know that a haircut kit only cost 9.99 at wal-mart? Think of all the money you save! I bought a conair buzzer today and realized why i pay people to cut my hair.

Well, today i was planning on studying for my finals the entire day. When I got home from work I noticed my room needed to be cleaned. And by ‘clean’ i mean rearranged. I like it right now,  i’m sure i will get bored of the look in a few months but until then, it’s fine. I went ahead and cleaned my room up of all the childish crap that i collected over the years. Posters, books, clothes, 5 year old deoderant. I got rid of it all man. I’m trying to force myself to grow up a little. A smidge. In this process I’ve been trying to improve my self-control. Oh, and i came up with this ‘growing up’ thing i’m doing because I realized that I’ve accomplished nothing. Nothing. NOTHING. NOTHING! That’s right, nothing.  I don’t want to live life being that guy that cuts you off and not knowing what i did while you are shouting and throwing me obscene gestures behind my back. Pshh, F-THAT! No, I actually want and NEED to learn to better interpret the things that are around me. I feel that mundane knowledge isn’t as mundane as it once was in high school. People actually expect you to know more. I will let you know the progress of my journey.

Oh, and I haven’t seen any of my friends in like 4 weeks with the exception of a Saturday night 2 weeks ago. This Tuesday I plan on ridin’ dirty.

If anyone knows how to get the last bit of pringles from the bottom of the can without making a mess, let me know. I’m puzzled.

Quantum Physics

Posted in Reviews on April 14, 2009 by losercore
Our universe is a small piece of a multiverse

Our universe is a small piece of a multiverse

Lately I’ve been reading a whole lot on astronomy and quantum physics. I’ve been somewhat of a hermit lately trying to soak as much information in as I can. The last book i finished is called “Physics of the Impossible” by Michio Kaku. In this book he  explain how the relativity theory and string theory can be applied to contemplation of some of our most wildest scifi dreams. The chapters are short and easily read in short sittings, which lends well to a book that stretches the imagination so dramaticaly. The book is divided into 3 parts dealing with different kinds of “impossibilites”. There is the Class 1 ideas that consist of force fields, invisibility, phasers and death stars, teleporation, and telepathy.  These Class 1 ideas could become possible within a hundred years.  The Class 2 ideas are traveling at the speed of light, time traveling, and parallel universes. These are things that may be possible in the next millennium-If the human race survives that long. Class 3 ideas are like perpetual motion machines and precognition. These things may never be possible to our type 0 civilization. This book takes very complex physics issues and relates them to technologies we are all familiar with, at least if we’ve ever seen Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, etc. For everyone with an imagination about how the world might be some day, this book is for you. It is filled with easy to understand, down to earth examples of how and why these technologies might work, or might not work. It is a complete idiots guid to advanced physics. I want to recommend it to anyone that enjoys this kind of stuff.


Posted in Dave News on April 14, 2009 by losercore



Shad-y: adjective – A dubious character; a rather disreputable: A shady dealing

These are the words that describe me. I’ve been called this countless times. Unfortunately, the past week it has really taken a toll on my character.  I’ve lost a few of my friends this past week because of it. These are the reasons I am the way I am:

1) I like to be by myself.
2) Sometimes I go through a phase where I get really involved with my own interest and hobbies. These are the moments when i can go a whole month without leaving my room.
3) I find it very hard to say “no”. Many times i end up doing things i don’t want to do, so i find it easier to stray away from those kinds of situations and become anti-social. No, being anti-social doesn’t mean that I’m having emotional problems. I’m not a sad guy.

This is the problem that i am facing. Since i know that 4 of my friends really can’t stand the thought of me right now, I WILL NOT do anything about it. I hate confrontation.  I’m a non-confrontational kinda guy. This being me, I won’t try to patch things up. I just chose to ignore it. I like to pretend that I have no enemies, and I’m pretty good at believing my own lies…I’m very good at it.  To top things off, final exams are not helping at all.  I suppose it’s my fault for not taking the time to study as much as I should.

it start with a single cell.

Posted in Dave News on April 6, 2009 by losercore
This is where I stress

This is where I stress

I woke up around 12 in the afternoon today. As i woke up, not fully away, i take my first step out of the bed. Start walking, and realize that my room isn’t my room. I hate when this happens. I’ve always hated the thought of staying the night at peoples house just because of the simple fact that it isn’t ‘my house’.  I should get out of the habit of comfort. I rely way too much on a mundane schedule.

Right now I’m preparing to study for my business statistics class. I’m somewhat behind in my studying. I left the fact that I have an A in the class convince me that i can stray behind in the class.

This isn’t working. I thought that i wanted to write another entry, but in mid way i realize that I don’t have the mindset to reflect on anything. I’m too busy right now. I will be back mid-week to finish this entry.

You following me camera guy?!

Posted in Dave News on April 3, 2009 by losercore


This week has been flooded with good ideas. I haven’t felt this active in relation with my hobbies in a long while. It feels good, and now I know what it was like to always have something to look forward to. Other than that, it’s been a surprising week. I cannot believe that Vince -the sham-wow guy- was arrested for battery. It really put a damper on my week. Kinda. I am grateful for the fact that he never made it into comedy for the simple fact he is now known as the “Sham-wow guy” or “Slap-Chop Guy”. By far, these infomercials could beat any sort of comedy routine he could of put out in 3 lifetimes. I’m sure his career in infomercials are now over. This is the wrost news i had this week.

Right now I am at work. I’m trying to edit a lecture that i filmed earlier this week. This is by far the most retarded lecture that i’ve ever had the pleasure of editing.  The professor had nobody show up to her course, even though people payed around $500.00 for a 2 day class. I am not exagerating when i say ‘nobody’ showed up. The lecture is really funny because she pretends that she has an audience. She asks questions to these imaginary people, and the imaginary people give her an imaginary answer. It’s kind of like she is talking to someone in a parallel universe. But what i find to be really funny is that these imaginary people don’t always give the right answert.  She is really good at this, I think she’s done this plenty of times before.

Thank you Space Expert

Posted in Dave News on March 30, 2009 by losercore


I’m sure this is an unusual circumstance. Two journal entries in just two days? It’s hard for me to tell whether I am bored or just want to type something up. Lets go with the second reason, it makes me sound like I have a little bit more going on in my life.

Last night I went to bed around 4 AM. I’ve been finding it harder to go to sleep at a reasonable time. I ended up waking up around 3 in the afternoon today. I missed the filming that Tyler needed to do for his class. I woke up and found 10 missed calls, all from Tyler. I am a rock. Nothing can wake me up. So, I found it pointless to get out of bed, eat, take a shower, get dressed, and make it out into the world. Instead i stayed home and slaved over the website. Tyler and I have been trying to get our webcams up on the site, but we keep running into problems.  Open port 8080 and use WAN address to embed in the site. Not that simple. So the address should look like this “http://xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:8080” but it’s not getting relayed. I have no problem connecting under the same LAN address but when it comes to an outside computer, it becomes shit thrown right into a fan. I plan on take a break from the site the next few days because of school related studies. It may be a little hard because i hate stopping something that hasn’t been finished. Like sex.

I’m somewhat worried about the next few days. I have to give a presentation to my communications class that is suppose to be 5 minutes long. Five minutes isn’t long, but i think she expects more than I’m going to put into the presentation. I haven’t even started and we received the assignment 2 weeks ago. I’m doing my speech on “2012: the year of the storm”. I’m somewhat educated in the whole theory so it shouldn’t be much of a problem. Actually making sense of what I’m trying to say may be another story. I plan on recording the presentation just so I can see what I am like in front of an audience. I may post it if it becomes an embarrassment.

Whats new.

Posted in Dave News on March 29, 2009 by losercore
Passenger Brake Layout

Passenger Brake Layout

Well, this week has been somewhat crazy for me. Usually I would spend this part of the semester fumbling through papers trying to bring my grades up, but this semester is a little different. Unfortunately, I forgot what it was like to care about my progression in school. I think it may be because I’m actually busy doing things that interest me. For instance, my long time friend Tyler and I have been developing a website called ‘Passenger-Break’ that will engage in everything that holds our interest. Though the site will be complete trash, i still have a little faith in it. It’s a site that will no doubtingly grow every day with new material. It will be a continuing reminder of the type of people we are. I tried to make a concise description of the site but cannot contain  in words less than a paragraph. I am very excited for this.

The reason we stuck with ‘Passenger-Break’ as the title is a short story. I was browsing through urban dictionary and came across the term. I thought it made a good reference of the content we will be providing to the viewers.  Take for instance, something so bizarre that you clench your feet to the ground because you aren’t too sure if you should be viewing it. That’s exactly what we are going for. But not everything will be like that, just some of it.  It will also contain personal things. Hidden links that are for our personal use and nobody will know about. Music that friends wanted to solicit, trashy poetry, pictures from the debauchering night before. This is an exact look into our disgusting lives that we would never mention in an every day conversation.

What did i do today? Well i drank 2 beers from a snorkel.  It wasn’t a pleasant experience. I do not recommend it. It was the most disgusting taste that I had in my mouth in a long time. Not to say that beer isn’t disgusting,  i somehow learned to except the taste of it. I’m just saying….

breaking the ice…

Posted in Irrelevant Entry on March 17, 2009 by losercore

In smart20cycleMany occurrences I sit around the toilet of my friends while investigating the wallpaper and nasty little secrets of their bathrooms and think what life would be like if i had a third arm dangling from my forehead (I think we can all agree on the idea that bathroom pondering is the capping two birds one stoner.  I get so many mind blowing thoughts eating at my brain while sitting on the loo, and it’s a huge disappointment that I can’t drop a deuce with the point of a finger (laxatives are no option for me).  Anyways, here are my insightful thoughts…..

  • Psychology is instinctive. If anybody knows how to use psychology to get what they want it would be an infant.  Babies will keep nagging until you finally give-in and surrender the box that their over-priced trinket  was once disassembled in.  Unfortunately, you just payed a few hundred dollars for an empty box that has a labeled picture of another baby fictionally enjoying the toy just to piss you off.
  • Here is a list of things i could not do without arms, go.  Type, write, flick, pick, crack my knuckles, point, scratch, tie, pet animals, punch animals, flick an animal off, masturbate, grab, tear, cook (+), slap, shake hands, high-fives, be an Uncle Sam impersonator, and climb.
  • Sounds bad, but here are things i can do without arms.  Drink beer with a straw, be the first armless president, never having to write, never having to lift, taking a nap without worrying about my arm falling asleep, have a  concocted excuse for any future mistake that i make, and to be able to say cliche sayings like, “why don’t you take a picture, it will last longer” .
  • Another thing that would suck if i didn’t have arms would be people dressing me.  It’s not the fact that I’m ashamed of my Ethiopian body, but what if they pick out some horrible clothes. “Sup dave, you look bad ass with that wife-beater on”, or “Dude, those overalls look insanely cool on you.  You are going to get so many chicks tonight”.  I will be like that image in the move Gummo. My friends will give chicks money to have sex with me. Depressing…..
  • I wonder why girls don’t poop….
  • If i had more self-control, imagine how rich i would be.
  • If i had more self-control would i be sitting down on the toilet right now?

think about it….